Showing posts with label printing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printing. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Playing with Paint and Patterns

I find it a bit calming to paint and stamp repeating patterns.

posted by: cat

Monday, March 16, 2015

DIY Stamps

 While fooling around on Pinterest, I got inspired to make some stamps.  Been a while since I've carved up a batch, which means: I can no longer locate any of the rubber or lino materials.  So I looked around on my desk and saw some soft foam that had been used in packaging something important.  A few cuts with the box cutter, and voila!  Cat stamps!  The top part was before I poked the foam with a ballpen to make eyes (as seen on the bottom four).

Then it hit me that all the stamps I had made before, I've never made a skull stamp.  Nary a one!  A problem which had to be rectified.  Eraser meets X-acto knife equals a couple of skulls.  An 'X' cut from a foam sheet and stuck to a plastic bottle cap completes the set.

posted by: cat

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Rush Printing Job

The results of a rush printing job requested by a friend.  It consisted of a canvas sack-bag that had to be printed on both sides. This was one side, and the other side had a lengthy quote. Silk-screen would've been the ideal way to go, but there just wasn't enough time.

So stamping it was.  Though the method was not untried (Have stamped dino names on a pillowcase for Boo.), the cloth was, and I had no extra fabric for test runs.

Still, I thought it came out okay.  Well, it came out, anyway, and my friend was happy.  Happy enough to pay me with m&m's!

posted by:cat

Monday, February 20, 2012

Even More Pages from Old Journals

Above, right: paint-resist experiments using a white china-marker. 

Left: Some stenciling on an old book page.  
Right:  A quote from the series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

posted by: cat

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Going Dotty

Sooo... remember yesterday, when i was whining about how hard it is to put cloth together? Part of is is because I have to make sure the damned colors don't bleed in the wash, and the ones I'd like to use run like crazy.

Which is how I found myself printing up some cloth yesterday afternoon.

At first, I experimented with using fabric paint to dye the cloth. Not very effective, so I decided on squeegie-ing the colors directly onto the fabric. Just like I do with paper.

Then I remembered my stencils and did these. (I like the big polkadots on the right.)

( I don't like the elephants. What color is that?!?)

*claps hands excitedly* Now to work these babies into the patchwork.

posted by: cat