Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not Bad For A First Attempt

I'm not really a fan of sewing. It's my least favorite thing to do. I do most of my sewing projects by hand because: 1) I don't know/ have forgotten how to use a sewing machine; 2) I am secretly afraid to use one; and 3) I usually only do small plushies. Until my sister showed me a toddler's dress made from an old man's dress shirt. When I saw it my fingers were itching to try it out. I found this old shirt of mine and decided to use it as a guinea pig before I went rooting around in Dan's closet. This shirt was sitting in my cloth-for-plushies pile and originally had longer sleeves than that. Anyway, I used the tutorial form this site.
I simplified mine down a bit, used plain strips for the straps and did away with the frilly stuff altogether. The project took less time than I anticipated, even by hand. I'd have done it in a day if I hadn't had to do lifeguard duty at the inflatable kiddie pool, watch, bathe and feed two very energetic kids, take a nap, have my coffee break, and watch some tv. So here's the finished product: (front, back and on Pip)
posted by m

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