Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Challenge for May 2015

The S&P challenge has been resurrected!  This time around, it's a doodle-fest: draw your weird and wacky, anything goes, draw with a kid's imagination.

The kids participated, too, although I feel they just wanted to appease me to shut me up so that they could get back to their video games. :( 

The boys' work:

My attempt:  

 (Clearly this last one was reflecting what was sorely lacking to make this challenge work.)

posted by: cat

Late post!  We were having some hardware malfunctions and bricked phones, hence the late posts.  Excuse the crappy photos.  I fixed them up and made them clear as best as I could. Here are the doodle challenge entries from up North:

This one is from me. Couldn't think of anything else to draw so I drew cats.

This one is from the girl.  She drew some on her Magic Sketcher but I said it had to be on paper.  (I did the inking on a few of them because I wasn't sure if it would show up on the camera.)

The girl is way better than I was/ am at drawing.  Right now she's in her "killer bunny" phase.  She's making short cartoons on her Sketcher about killer bunnies playing pranks on other animals.  I have no idea where she gets it from.  Scares me sometimes.

posted by: m


sports bet said...

I like the second one most. Color matched well.

Anonymous said...

from cat (too lazy to log in):
Yes, the girl draws better than any of us now. The boys have lost their imagination to stupid Minecraft.

Archeage Girl said...
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Scott & Portis said...

@sports bet: Thanks for the comment!