Saturday, May 28, 2011

Patchwork Bunny WIPs and a Journal Entry

collage journal

One of those spur-of-the-moment things that I try to encourage myself to do.  I don't  know what that thing on her head is s'posed to be, but the hair I cut out wouldn't fit, so...  This page doesn't make sense 'cause the face doesn't really evoke 'circus' to me.  It was just the first thing that came to my head.  Doesn't matter, 'cause my brain didn't try to knot itself over-thinking this, and I got messy.

patchwork bunny doll

 Then we get to these two:  zombie bunnies?  They're helping me get my sewing mojo back.  I'm thinking I might have to replace the red arm of the guy on the right side because I mistakenly used the same cloth as his ear, and on the same side, too.  (Yes, m, it bothers me quite a bit.  Also: shut up.)

We shall see which side will win out:  my obsessive brain, or my lazy ass.

posted by: cat

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